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Acupuncture is a form of therapy which has been around for about 3,000 years. Fine, singe-use sterile needles are inserted into specific points on the body. The points relate to channels of energy that run around the body. Problems arise when the energy gets stuck, so the needles are used to move the energy.
This is the question that most people ask when finding out about acupuncture. The needles that are used are very fine and having acupuncture is very different to having a blood test or an injection. There can be a small pinch when the needle goes in but this does not happen every time. It usually means that there is an energy block and the needle is moving the energy, so please see this as a positive rather than a negative.
Side effects not always experienced, but the most common ones are:
Serious side effects are uncommon, with research showing that, on average, only 1 in 10,000 treatments results in a significant side effect.
Fainting is rare and most likely to happen during the first treatment.
It will be very useful if you keep make up and scented products to a minimum, so please do not use foundation, perfume or aftershave that day.
It is helpful if you wear loose, comfortable clothing.
You will need to bring a list of the names/doses of any medications you are taking.
Eating a light meal up to an hour before treatment is required and treatment cannot go ahead on an empty stomach.
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